Why install solar batteries? What’s the benefit?
Essentially batteries store unused energy produced by your solar panels. That stored energy can be used overnight, in times of inclement weather or when power is charged at premium rates (Time-of-Use tariff customers). Batteries give you ‘certainty of supply’ and allow you to create your own energy supply rather than relying predominately on the grid (Ergon, Energex etc).
The three main benefits of installing a solar battery are:
Being less dependent on grid and creating ‘certainty of supply’: The main purpose of solar batteries is to store your excess solar power generated through the daytime. It can then be used while the sun isn’t shining. That means you are less dependent on grid power and more energy self–sufficient.
Blackout Protection: You want to have ‘blackout protection’, which can be a big advantage for many households in areas where the grid reliability is not fantastic. Be aware that not all batteries can provide power in a blackout.
Reducing time-of-use tariff costs: For customers on a time-of-use tariff, installing a solar battery can be an effective way to save money by using the battery when power prices are at their highest.
How do solar batteries work?
What’s the return on investment (ROI) on solar batteries?
Good quality batteries can take 10 to 15 years to pay for themselves, depending on how much you are paying for your electricity. Most batteries have a 10 year warranty… Batteries can save you money BUT, sometimes more importantly, they also give you certainty of supply, which is more important for some people – as seen in the next section below.
Even though the price of solar batteries has reduced over the past few years, we find that most people who install batteries have other reasons for choosing storage, apart from just pure economics.
What situations are best for solar batteries?
People who can’t use much of their power through the daytime while the sun shines (e.g: households where everyone works/goes to school through the day and uses much of their power at night time).
People living in rural or remote areas where they get a lot of blackouts or blackouts that last for extended periods.
People who have disability aids/appliances (such as electric wheelchairs, lift beds, lift chairs, CPAPs) who need to have power in a blackout situation for their safety and well-being.
Important things to know before getting solar batteries
Not all battery setups give you power in a black-out situation
Not all battery setups can charge the batteries if the sun is shining when in a black-out. This is often referred to as "Black Start Capability".
The location of batteries is now infinitely more important, and complex, than ever! If the batteries are backing onto an “inhabitable area” (such as a living room) that wall will need to be fire-rated.
If the battery is going in an area with vehicular traffic (such as a garage) a bollard may need to be installed in front of the battery to protect it from being hit by a vehicle.
Batteries can only hold so much power & can only deliver so much power at any one time. Think of it like a tank & a hose. Only so much water can get through a hose at any time & the tank can only hold so much water. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. If the hose is a trickle then the tank will last longer. If the hose is gushing full speed the tank won’t last long at all.
There are different battery cell technologies. Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP or LiFePO4) are typically considered amongst the safest cell chemistries. The main advantage is that these battery cells do not burn and are therefore the ideal choice for our residential energy storage solution.
When you have batteries, maintaining a constant internet supply to the battery is really important. Some warranties are voided/reduced if the internet is not constantly supplied (excluding of course random short interruptions).
Specific brands of batteries are compatible with specific brands of hybrid inverters – not all batteries are compatible with all brands of hybrid inverters.
What are the best solar batteries in 2023?
SunGrow (on and off-grid)
SunPower Maxeon Reserve
Redback technologies
BYD Battery-Box
RedEarth Energy Storage
Tesla Powerwall
Got any questions? We’re here to help! Call our friendly team on 4637 2744 or email us at admin@electricalsensations.com.au.
At Electrical Sensations, we are proud to have been servicing Toowoomba and the Darling Downs since 2004. We're 100% committed to designing energy-saving solutions and installing high-quality equipment that will best meet your needs, in a manner that we are proud to put our name to. No cutting corners or compromising on quality, reliability or safety.
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